Foreword – September 11, 2023

September is Library Card Sign-Up month! Libraries throughout the state are helping library card holders share their love of libraries with vinyl, die-cut stickers—the kind you often see on laptops or water bottles. Anyone who gets a library card gets a sticker and current cardholders may present their card to receive a sticker that celebrates libraries and the Badger State!

After school programs are back on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. During Game On! on September 14, participants are invited to challenge themselves or a friend to complete a variety of puzzles. (Joining forces to tackle the puzzles is also an option!) Wired returns on September 21 with Snap Circuits. Participants will play with Snap Circuits and learn how to create different types of currents.

Storytime continues on Thursdays at 10:15 a.m. Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, activities, and more!

Registration for our next escape room opens on Monday, September 11! The Happily Ever After escape room is October 5-7 and October 9. Once upon a time, wait it’s now, not once upon a time! Someone opened the fairy tale portal and we are now in the land of dragons, fairies, beanstalks, witches, and hopefully a little magic. Things seemed to be mixed up, so we just need to sort things out, get the fairy tales back in order so we can breakout our happily ever after. Space is limited, and registration is required

This event is family friendly but most successful with a few adults or middle/high school aged youth.