Check out the fun at the library this summer! Registration for Summer Library Challenge continues, and we have challenges for all ages.
We’re building a chain of kindness at the library this summer! We’ve placed strips of paper and writing utensils out for you to use, and each time you come to the library, you’re invited to share something kind—it could be something kind you’ve done or would like to do or you could list an act of kindness someone performed for you. At the end of each week, we’ll loop the strips of paper together to create a chain.
We do not have storytime this week (June 22). Instead, we have a pond exploration program at Fallen Timbers Environmental Center at 9:00 AM. Capacity is limited, and registration is required. We’ll meet at Fallen Timbers—participants must provide their own transportation.
Youth are invited to get creative during our DIY Squishy program on Tuesday, June 27 at 2:00 PM.