CAP Services provides technical assistance at no charge to low-income individuals starting a business or to businesses committed to creating jobs that will be filled by low-income individuals.
If you are thinking about starting or expanding a business that meets the income criteria, CAP services will hold an information session at Black Creek Village Library on Wednesday, October 11 at 5:30 PM.
• Learn about the latest business trends and opportunities
• Evaluate your skills and talents as they relate to creating a successful business
• Discover options for small business loans and financing through CAP Services
• Find out how CAP Services can provide free technical assistance, including business plan development and coaching
• Have your individual questions answered in a Q & A session
After school programs are back on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. On October 5, participants will build with Keva planks for Construction Zone. During Game On! on October 12, participants will play a mystery game. Will it be Clue? A murder mystery? Come to the program to solve the case!
Storytime continues on Thursdays at 10:15 a.m. Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, activities, and more!
It’s almost time for our Happily Ever After Escape Room, which will be held October 5-7 and October 9. Space is limited, and registration is required. This event is family friendly but most successful with a few adults or middle/high school aged youth.
On October 14th from 11:15 – 12: 15 PM we are hosting an Eclipse Viewing Program. Come in for crafts and some stories and viewing the eclipse at its peak. Please note that this is only a partial eclipse and we will only be able to 40% of the eclipse (if the weather is just right). Glasses will be handed out for the program, but they will be collected at the end so we can distribute them for next springs’s eclipse.