It hardly seems possible, but a new school year is right around the corner! Black Creek Village Library is serving as a drop-off site for Community 2000’s Annual Back-to-School Drive. Community 2000 is collecting new school supplies to be distributed to area students in need. New school supplies of all types are welcome and appreciated!
It’s not too late complete our local business scavenger hunt! Participating businesses have signs posted in a public facing window (or building) with a letter to be recorded. Signs will be posted through August 9. Stop into the library and pick up an answer sheet to get started, and return the sheet no later than August 15. Winners of prize packages (which includes gift certificates to local businesses and items donated by local businesses) will be drawn on Friday, August 16.
Youth are invited to join us for final youth program on Tuesday, July 30, at 2:00 p.m. The program, Let the Games Begin, is an indoor obstacle course.
Our final storytime of the summer is Thursday, August 1 at 10:15 a.m. Children and caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, silliness, and more!
Please remember library is closed on Saturdays through Labor Day weekend.